How to Sleep Better at Any Age: Sleeping Tips for Seniors

April 24, 2023
5 min read
How to Sleep Better at Any Age: Sleeping Tips for Seniors

As we age, sleep becomes more difficult. This is because aging causes a number of changes in our body and brain that make it challenging to fall asleep or stay asleep. There are many aging tips for sleeping better, but they all have one thing in common: making life easier and less stressful through the use of relaxation techniques. If you're looking for some tips on how to get good sleep at any age, here's what you need to know!

Changes in sleep are just one side effect of aging. Other changes that occur include difficulty regulating body temperature, a decrease in the production and release of growth hormone (which helps with muscle recovery), and physical challenges that make it hard getting comfortable or turning over. There's also a natural aging process that makes it more difficult to stay awake during the day or get quality sleep at night.

It starts by looking at the reasons why aging makes sleeping harder in the first place. One of those is chronic back problems like arthritis or osteoporosis which cause pain when lying down on bed and may lead to some pretty awful side effects if not treated properly (insomnia being one). In general, aging causes less deep sleep because older adults spend less time in slow wave sleep than younger people; yet they have just as many periods of REM stage sleep per day--the period during which we dream most vividly but don't often remember

In order to sleep better, many commit to trying some tricks for sleeping better. These are designed to ease stress in our lives and make life easier so that we can be as well rested as possible!

##Prep Your Environment Sleep in a cool, dark room. Keep your bedroom as quiet and comfortable as possible to reduce the stress of aging that may make it difficult for you to fall asleep or stay asleep. If necessary, invest in blackout curtains that help block out light pollution from passing by outside sources like streetlights and headlights.

##Get Comfy Consider using softer pillows or a mattress topper. Most people don't realize that their mattress doesn't provide the proper amount of support or cushion. If you are having consistent sleep issues, you should consider shopping for a new mattress and testing other options.

You should also invest in a high-quality mattress pad. This will help you sleep better and wake up less often because of tossing or turning throughout the night.

Consider using pillows, blankets, clothing, sheets and other bedding that are soothing to your aging skin as well!

##Stick to a Sleep Schedule In order to sleep better, one of the most important things you can do is stick with a regular sleeping schedule. Wake up and go to bed at the same time each day. Try not to nap during the day if possible because it throws off your natural circadian rhythm, making falling asleep much harder at night. Napping for an hour or two is fine, but napping for more than that can interfere with your nighttime sleep.

Additionally, make sure you're getting the proper amount of sleep per night. Most doctors recommend seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Sleeping more or less than this ranges from being a little unhealthy (less) to downright bad for you (more).

##Exercise Regularly Exercising regularly is a great way to sleep better and help aging seniors stay active. A recent study by the University of Missouri found that people who exercised for just one hour per week had less trouble sleeping than those who didn’t exercise at all. Exercisers also reported fewer problems with anxiety, depression, pain and fatigue—all of which can interfere with sleep.

  • Find the time to exercise at least one hour per week, even if it means waking up earlier or taking a lunch break during the day

  • If you don’t have an hour available, try exercising for 15 minutes three times per day—morning and evening are great options too!

##Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol Before Bedtime One tip that helps people of all ages is to avoid caffeine after noon and alcohol before bedtime. Firstly, alcohol. Alcohol can disrupt deep sleep, and if you have a drink too late, it may lead to interrupted REM cycles. This can cause you to wake up in the middle of the night.

Caffeine is also known for disrupting sleep because it accumulates during sleep and takes longer to leave your body than alcohol does. If you do drink caffeine, be sure to drink it earlier in the day.

If you are aging, be sure to avoid sleeping pills, as they can cause more problems with sleep quality and quantity than without them. Instead, try some over-the-counter options like melatonin or a natural supplement that promotes serotonin levels. If these don't work for you, talk to your doctor about other options, such as prescription medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

##Address Your Snoring Issues Yes, aging can make it hard to get a good night's sleep. And that means your snoring could also be getting worse and more disruptive as you age. So how do you address this issue?

You can try using a device called Zyppah. This FDA-approved oral appliance is designed to move the lower jaw slightly forward and down, which in turn opens up your airway and lessens any symptoms of snoring (a good thing for both you and those who have to sleep near you).

Or if that's not right for you, there are other options available as well, such as wearing earplugs or sleeping on your side rather than on your back. And remember: aging doesn't mean old! So don't think about giving up all hope just yet.

##Unwind Before Bed One of the easiest ways to sleep better is to set aside time before bedtime as a time to unwind. This can be anything from reading your favorite book, writing in a journal, or catching up on current events with friends and family members over the phone. The more you do this will help decrease stress levels which can lead to improved quality of sleep.

Many doctors recommend that we limit our screen time prior to bed to avoid disrupting our sleep patterns.

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